Monday, November 26, 2007

#16 - Podcasts


OK, it's 5.37pm at the tired end of a grumpy kind of day, so I'm going to let loose my inner pedant and confess to being the Web 2.0 equivalent of an apostrophe nazi when it comes to the use of the term "podcast". Though the definition seems to have shifted to mean "any audio file put on the internet" (which is pretty much as the cited New Oxford American Dictionary would have it), these have been around for years - the whole point of podcasting was that it was the audio equivalent of RSS and that you subscribed to a podcast and got notified when a new program was available. So a podcast is really a channel, not a program. Or was, common usage now having seemed to change it.

So I'm not really sure why SLV puts up single files as "podcasts"
- why would you want to subscribe to a channel that was never going to show another program?


Over the past 2 years I have become an expert at subscribing to Radio National programs, downloading them to my iPod, and discovering that I still don't have either the time or the inclination to listen to the radio...

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