Monday, November 26, 2007

#14 - Web 2.0 awards list

Very briefly -

Meebo - it's not quite there yet, despite the fact that it's popping up on library sites all over the place - but it definitely demonstrates part of the future of online reference services, namely a widget that you can stick on any web page for direct online communications with a relevant librarian. No need for a one size fits all service, could use it for example on different resources guides providing a link to the relevant subject librarian. They just need to sort out some mechanism of queuing inquiries :-) In the longer term (when Kevin07 makes good on his broadband promise... ) we might even get to widget based VOIP or teleconferencing and leave chat behind as a transitional medium...

Speaking of resource guides, Squidoo is worth a look to get some ideas about how we might redo some of our own in the Web 2.0 world - see for example this one on Library 2.0. Another nice development on this front is LibGuides - a paid rather than free service but worth checking out for ideas.

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